Reading and learning are how I spend most of my free time. This post is to supply you with the books that have radically transformed my life in every domain. These books are not listed in any particular order, but every author has been a mentor that I am grateful to have entered in my life.
- How To Win Friends and Influence People
The timeless classic from Dale Carnegie is a must read if you want to communicate effectively.
- The Code to the Extraordinary Mind
From the creator of Mindvalley, Vishen Lakhiani teaches you to unlock the abundance that lies within you.
- The Paleo Manifesto
John Durant was one of the early adopters of the paleolithic lifestyle. This book is a guide to unplugging from modern life and connecting to the health that lies within.
- The Bulletproof Diet
From the inventor of Bulletproof coffee Dave Asprey. This book introduced me to intermittent fasting and the hidden toxins in food.
- Evolve Your Brain
Joe Dispneza teaches you how to utilize your body’s innate intelligence to manifest the life of your dreams.
- The Book of Truth
Psychic medium Paul Selig channels his messages from what he calls “the teachers.” This book will leave you with a feeling of connectedness and love for all.
- Beyond Training
Fitness and bio-hacking expert Ben Greenfield supplies an in-depth text book of sorts to train smarter, perform optimally, and age healthily.
- Own the Day Own Your Life
To master a life you must win the majority of years, to win a year you have to win a month, to win a month you must win a week, and to win you a week you must win a day. Winning one day at a time is the key to creating the life of your dreams. Aubrey Marcus teaches you the high performance habits to make this happen.
- The Mastery of Love
We are beings that were created from love to express love. If we are not acting from a place of love we are suffering, and Don Miguel Ruiz teaches you how to act from the love born within.
- Essentialism
In the age of information we constantly feel the need to accomplish and do more. This often leads to procrastination and accomplishing nothing. Greg McKeown teaches you how to focus on what really matters to accomplish your goals.
- Be Obsessed or Be Average
If you are living to your purpose in life it is okay to be obsessed, in fact if you are not obsessed that is an obvious sign to make some change or face the inevitable, which is a life of mediocrity.
- The Total Money Makeover
A key to living a life of health and happiness is creating financial health. Master your finances and escape the trap of debt with Dave Ramsey’s playbook.
- Mind to Matter
Your thoughts create your reality, and by mastering your thoughts you can master your reality. Dawson Church teaches you how to accomplish mindfulness.
- How to Eat Move and Be Healthy
We were designed to be healthy, so health is our natural state. Accomplishing health does not have to be complicated and Paul Chek gives you the 4-step guide to connect to the doctor within.
- Life Without Fear
Were we designed for health or sickness? Everyone would answer health, but what is portrayed in society is not so. By mastering our health through living a lifestyle in congruence to chiropractic philosophy there should be no fear of sickness or disease. Fred Barge provides a guide to living a life without fear.
- The War of Art
Even the most creative people hit blocks and hurdles. The key is to overcome these hurdles to achieve success and happiness.
- Sacred Economics
Almost all the decisions we make are based upon money. Money is the driving force behind every business and political decison, and most of these decisions are made for maximized profitability, and neglect the health of our world. Money is not evil, but we must develop a better relationship with money to unleash the potential of our world.
- The Energy Paradox
Modern humans have been plagued with fatigue due to lifestyle and environmental factors. We can reclaim our energy by taking control of our biology and renowned medical doctor and author Steven Gundry will teach you how.
- The Contagion Myth
Thomas Cowan has offered numerous books over the years and founded the original Paleo diet when he created the Weston A. Price Foundation. In his latest book he discusses what viruses actually are and why they are not the cause of disease.
- The Forgotten Way
The practice of organized religion has led many to live a life of self-righteousness and judgment towards others, and this was never in alignment with the teachings of Jesus. Ted Dekker leads readers through a series of meditations on a journey of re-discovering the radical love, peace, and identity found in the works of Jesus.
- Chop Wood Carry Water
Everybody has goals, but many of us get so stuck on the end-game that we forget that beauty happens through the experience endured during the process. Joshua Medcalf tells a beautiful story on how he fell in love with the process of becoming a Samurai.
- Limitless
An essential skill for modern humans is to master is the ability to learn. World memory champion Jim Kwik teaches you to upgrade your learning speeds by optimizing your brain’s processing.